Città e Storia -
ISBN 88-8368-013-8
Keti Lelo - Carlo Maria Travaglini

Dalla «Nuova Pianta» del Nolli al Catasto Pio-Gregoriano: l’immagine di Roma all’epoca del Grand Tour

Pag. 431-
, DOI 10.17426/39790
COD: A727A Categoria:



This essay presents an analysis of Rome’s territory in the one hundred and fifty years leading to the breach of Porta Pia by utilizing the period’s two most significant cartographic sources: the Nuova Pianta di Roma by Gian Battista Nolli, published an 1748 and the Pius-Gregorian cadastre, compiled between 1818 and 1824. Although initially drafted for different purposes these cartographies are strongly linked and share the need for exact metric measurements. The results presented in this study are an integral part of an ongoing project, promoted by CR OMA, for the creation of an atlas of Modern and Contemporary Rome (Atlante di Roma). Its aim is to reconstruct the evolution of the city’s historical environment by combining historical research and geographic information systems (GIS), thanks to multidisciplinary diachronic analyses made possible by the digitization of historical cartographic and thematic sources.

This essay presents an analysis of Rome’s territory in the one hundred and fifty years leading to the breach of Porta Pia by utilizing the period’s two most significant cartographic sources: the Nuova Pianta di Roma by Gian Battista Nolli, published an 1748 and the Pius-Gregorian cadastre, compiled between 1818 and 1824. Although initially drafted for different purposes these cartographies are strongly linked and share the need for exact metric measurements. The results presented in this study are an integral part of an ongoing project, promoted by CR OMA, for the creation of an atlas of Modern and Contemporary Rome (Atlante di Roma). Its aim is to reconstruct the evolution of the city’s historical environment by combining historical research and geographic information systems (GIS), thanks to multidisciplinary diachronic analyses made possible by the digitization of historical cartographic and thematic sources.