Marquer et pratiquer les lisières urbaines. Les portes de ville à l’Époque moderne
6,00 €
Based on the Portes et périphéries articles published in «Città e Storia» (2016/2), this work
examines city gates in the early modern period in their architectural dimension, as monuments, and
in their material, social and symbolic functions. The latter involve setting specific communities and
their activities, organising circulations and controlling exchanges, and defining internal and external
territorialities. The Portes et périphéries articles explore how, beyond their significance as monuments,
citizens and travellers make these gates their own. It opens new paths of enquiry by crossing basic
elements of urban modelling as defined over the centuries, with the significance these gates have been
given by different communities according to their uses, their management, their rearranging, and
how they have been integrated into various narrative and visual contexts.
Based on the Portes et périphéries articles published in «Città e Storia» (2016/2), this work
examines city gates in the early modern period in their architectural dimension, as monuments, and
in their material, social and symbolic functions. The latter involve setting specific communities and
their activities, organising circulations and controlling exchanges, and defining internal and external
territorialities. The Portes et périphéries articles explore how, beyond their significance as monuments,
citizens and travellers make these gates their own. It opens new paths of enquiry by crossing basic
elements of urban modelling as defined over the centuries, with the significance these gates have been
given by different communities according to their uses, their management, their rearranging, and
how they have been integrated into various narrative and visual contexts.