Il sistema storico-ambientale della via Severiana nella Pineta di Castel Fusano: dati archeologici, fonti storiche e cartografiche per una ricostruzione del paesaggio costiero antico
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Abstract: Following the hydraulic reclamation and urbanization in the 19th and 20th centuries, the coastal landscape at the mouth of the Tiber underwent a radical transformation, with the disappearance of the natural environment that characterized the delta area. However, some of the morphological features of this environment are still partially preserved in the pine forest of Castel Fusano, a large green coastal strip, characterized by vast areas of Mediterranean scrub that colonized the sand dunes. In Roman times this area was crossed by the Via Severiana connected to a dense presence of maritime villas built on the seashore, which was backward compared to today. Through the analysis of archaeological remains, literary sources and historical cartography, this study aims to reconstruct the aspect of the ancient landscape and the transformations it underwent from the Roman age to the present day.
Keywords: Via Severiana; Ancient coastal landscape; Castel Fusano; Villa of Pliny the Younger
Il sistema storico-ambientale della via Severiana nella Pineta di Castel Fusano: dati archeologici, fonti storiche e cartografiche per una ricostruzione del paesaggio costiero antico