Città e Storia -
ISBN 978-88-8368-141-7
Maria Grazia Cinti

La Tenuta di Castelporziano: archeologia, cartografia e cenni storici

Pag. 215-
, DOI 10.17426/C16C010
COD: CeS_2021_1-2_10M.G.Cinti Categoria: Tag:



Keywords: Editorial Project

Abstract: The Presidential Estate of Castelporziano represents a unique ecosys-tem, in which man and nature, trees and archaeological remains coexist for centuries. The territory that today belongs to the Estate shows traces of occu-pation from the Iron Age, even if the most important archaeological evidences belong to the imperial era: in this period there had to be a praedium, of which numerous scattered remnants have been found in a very wide area. From the Middle Ages onwards, the area passed in many different properties, until it reached the possessions of the Grazioli family, who made the most significant architectural modifications to the Castle and, lastly, to the Savoia family, who gave a great impetus to the excavations.

Keywords: Castelporziano; Vicus Augustanus; Paterno Tower

La Tenuta di Castelporziano: archeologia, cartografia e cenni storici