ISBN 978-88-8368-153-0
Ada Di Nucci

Il turismo montano in Abruzzo tra sviluppo esogeno e resilienza (1861-1980)

Pag. 89-
, DOI 10.17426/R07C05
COD: AR21-5DINUCCI Categoria:


Keywords: Tourism; Mountain; Resilience; Abruzzo.

Abstract: Mountain tourism in Italy is connected to two institutions: Cai (1863) and TCI (1894), the same which contributed to the discovery of tourism in Abruzzo where the Majella and Gran Sasso mountains are situated. Indeed, the hight altitude health resorts responded to the then-new need of healthy mountain holidays, together with the constant influx of mountaineers, hikers and ski enthusiasts. The essay herein intends to highlight the role of mountain-based tourism and resilience within the economy of the Abruzzo region. More specifically, our research is focused on identifying the main elements which shaped such phenomena at the regional level, as well as the reasons for the gap in its development and the critical issues that were to be resolved and the impact of resilience on tourism development.