Città e Storia -
ISBN 978-88-8368-106-6
Giusi Lo Tennero

Museo della città e parco archeologico. L’ex monastero di Santa Giulia a Brescia e il «Progetto Brixia»

Pag. 113-
, DOI 10.17426/42933
COD: A783A Categoria:



Brescia’s city museum is an interesting example of how the antique history of cities can break with the usual notion of an exhibition composed by objects on display, architectural fragments, descriptive panels and models. Instead it presents itself to the public in its very urban reality at a 1:1 scale.
The discovery of the remains of various prestigious domus in the «Ortaglia» of the Santa Giulia city museum initiated an integration of the above mentioned fragments, the nearby theatre and the capitolium ruins within an exhibition walkway of an archeological park linked to the museum (the «Brixia Project», coordinated by Pierre Gros from the Université de Provence in the late «90s has been anticipated by Andrea Emiliani’s plan from 1976). The excellent results obtained are the consequences of the new project approach in which the public administrations are joined (and financially supported) by local private foundations set up for this specific purpose (CAB Brescia Fondation).

Brescia’s city museum is an interesting example of how the antique history of cities can break with the usual notion of an exhibition composed by objects on display, architectural fragments, descriptive panels and models. Instead it presents itself to the public in its very urban reality at a 1:1 scale.
The discovery of the remains of various prestigious domus in the «Ortaglia» of the Santa Giulia city museum initiated an integration of the above mentioned fragments, the nearby theatre and the capitolium ruins within an exhibition walkway of an archeological park linked to the museum (the «Brixia Project», coordinated by Pierre Gros from the Université de Provence in the late «90s has been anticipated by Andrea Emiliani’s plan from 1976). The excellent results obtained are the consequences of the new project approach in which the public administrations are joined (and financially supported) by local private foundations set up for this specific purpose (CAB Brescia Fondation).