Città e Storia -
ISBN 978-88-8368-107-3
Stefania Pastorelli

Settori popolari e partecipazione politica. Lima 1968-1992

Pag. 137-
, DOI 10.17426/59936
COD: A880A Categoria:



By this article we mean to think back to how the political participation of the popular sectors in Lima from 1968 to 1992 was expressed. Starting from the fact that the urban growth in Lima has produced the birth of barriadas all around the city and the birth of new social actors (that is popular urban sectors), the political participation has been analysed through the links created, from time to time, between the political power and the representative associations of the inhabitants of barriadas in Lima.

By this article we mean to think back to how the political participation of the popular sectors in Lima from 1968 to 1992 was expressed. Starting from the fact that the urban growth in Lima has produced the birth of barriadas all around the city and the birth of new social actors (that is popular urban sectors), the political participation has been analysed through the links created, from time to time, between the political power and the representative associations of the inhabitants of barriadas in Lima.